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"Ghost Game" Glitch (Canada)

Begonnen von matooa, 28.06.2015 20:18

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

0 Mitglieder und 4 Gäste betrachten dieses Thema.


With there being such few players on the Canadian version of QuizClash, one can quite easily start a random game and have it expire 48 hours before even matching an opponent. What appears to then happen however is a major issue and I am wondering if anyone else has experienced it and/or knows of a solution to the problem, because FEO doesn't seem to care to respond to me about it anymore (after one useless response they gave me that provided no insight whatsoever). Once the game expires without matching an opponent, it disappears from my game list, however it appears to still be "floating around" on the server-side looking for an opponent, as I will get notifications that games have come back to me even though I show none open/waiting for me! I continue to get notifications (your game with xxxx will expire in 23 hours, your game with xxxx will expire in 59 minutes, etc.), up until the point where I timeout and lose 9 points because I have virtually no way of accessing these "ghost games". It started to cost me a lot of points, which really come at a premium when you're #1 and it aggravated me to the point that I just gave up!  :(

There are however a few ways I discovered to get the games to appear. For starters, you must have the app open and be on the main games listing page.
1) When a "ghost game" is sent back to you, if you are there at the moment it happens, you can access it, however you must NOT refresh the games list or else it will disappear. Also, if you are there and it comes back, you can see the loading sign appear, but maybe the game won't appear right away; enter another non-ghost game and then go back and the ghost-game that was just sent will show up. Again, do NOT refresh the games list or close the app or it will disappear again, play it immediately.
2) Receive a message from the opponent, (must have been sent through the specific ghost game if there are multiple games open with that opponent, some of which may not be ghost games). Again, you must have the app already open for this to make the game appear (and also might need to enter another game first and then go back to the games list after seeing the loading sign appear first).

Refreshing or having to open the app will always cause ghost games to disappear again from your games list.

I am not 100% certain that the random games expiring without finding opponents is the root cause of these "ghost games" but I do strongly believe they are the reason for them.

If anyone has any insight into these "ghost games", be it solutions or just experiences with them in general, please feel free to share.

German answers obviously welcome (apologies that I only speak English).


Well, these are the facts we´ve got to.
And then we`ve got the theory, if we delete all data the "ghost game will appear, but this is just a theory (source)

Please notice, that our information are general, regardless, if it´s a ranom payer or one of our friendlist
Rechtschreibfehler sind lediglich special effects ;)

We are the jack-o-lanterns in July
Setting fire to the sky
Here, here comes this rising tide so come on